Selling to a Cash Buyer: What You Should Expect from the Process

If you’ve never sold your home to a cash buyer before, the idea may be something that seems a little strange to you. There is some overlap between the traditional home selling process and the process of selling your house to a cash buyer. Still, there are some definite differences that can leave you wondering what you should expect from the process.


You may have heard that selling your house to a cash buyer makes it possible to sell your home surprisingly fast. A huge part of that is because there is no need for financing when you sell to a cash buyer. Lenders want to make sure that they’re going to make money off of what they lend, so they take time to make sure that the people they lend to are worth taking a risk on. They also want to make sure that the property they’re lending the money for is worth the risk. The investigation into the borrower and the property both take time, sometimes over a month. That’s time you don’t need to wait when you sell to a cash buyer though, because there is no lender involved.


Cash buyers often have previous experience buying houses, and that experience allows them to finetune and streamline their buying process so that it’s simple and easy for you. Because cash buyers are often looking for properties that they can improve and make a profit from, they don’t mind if the house is a little worse for wear. You don’t have to worry about renovations, repairs, or even cleaning if you don’t want to. This allows for a much simpler, streamlined process for selling your home.

No Middle Man

Lenders aren’t the only middle man that you don’t have to worry about when you sell to a cash buyer. When you sell to a cash buyer like Hapa Homebuyers, you don’t need to worry about dealing with real estate agents or the commissions they charge the seller. We don’t have an agent, and you don’t need one either. That fact alone can save you thousands and thousands of dollars.

It’s always nice to know what you should expect from your efforts to sell your home. While you can’t always count solely on your own efforts when selling your home the traditional way, when you sell your house to a cash buyer, you can count on an added level of certainty. When Hapa Homebuyers makes an offer on your home, you can trust us to follow through on it.

Want to learn more about Hapa Homebuyer’s process? Click here to learn more about how we buy houses today!

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